Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What "The Walking Dead" Has Taught Me

So there is this show that comes on AMC called "The Walking Dead", maybe you have heard about it. If not than welcome to planet earth and I hope you are enjoying your stay here.

I began to watch the show because it was based in Atlanta. And I thought it would be fun to see what the city that I live pretty close to would look like during the apocalypse. And I wanted to see what it would look like to have one side of I-85 completely void of cars. That scared me more than the zombies, but I digress.

Of course there are obvious things from the show that every woman has learned, such as Norman Reedus is sexy as hell, and don't sleep with your "dead" husband's best friend.

But there are other subtle things I have learned that I feel the need to share.

1) Rednecks will inherit the earth.
The sexy redneck!! 
With reality shows like Hunny-Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty people from the south has experienced some pretty bad press. Not everyone who lives in the south are rednecks. However, many, many people are. Yes they may be entertaining and amusing to the more cosmopolitan and sophisticated citizens of this country, but in case of a zombie outbreak I give those people 2 days tops! They will be dead, and then undead with a quickness.

Case and point- Daryl Dixon! Women all over the country are now drooling and fantasizing about a man who is by very nature, a redneck. Now in real life, a lot of women would look at a man like Daryl and laugh about the idea of going out with him. But when the zombie apocalypse hits, it's these men that are going to have a shit load of guns, some spam cans that just happen to be laying around the house, and can kill, skin, and gut a wild animal to feed him and whoever happens to be hanging out with him. So yeah, they may seem uneducated and backward to you, but when shit hits the fan their going to be just fine.

2) Human nature is still going to be human nature.
First of all, humans are neurologically wired to be social creatures. We will seek out others. In the beginning of the series, people who were once strangers formed together to establish a tribe like culture. In times of panic, we need other people for comfort and we need a sense of belonging to something.

But then the panic subsides, and people begin to distrust other people who are not in their "tribe". That again is human nature. We do not like outsiders. No matter how trusting and tolerant you think you are I promise, in times of crises our basic instinct of survival will kick in and you will stay loyal to your "us", and distrust "them".

And just like the Governor proved, there will be people who will use a crises as a way to gain power and authority. The ability to be manipulative and power hungry doesn't disappear from our nature just because of a catastrophe. Just like in real life, some people see a disaster as a way to help others, and some see it as a way to help themselves. And if the show doesn't illustrate that enough try picking up a history book! 

Look familiar??

3) Dead people make for good camouflage.
In the first season Rick and Glenn find themselves trapped in the city of Atlanta surrounded by a lot of zombies. This is when we first see the usefulness that zombies can provide for hiding in a crowd. They cover themselves with the kind of gore that you would expect from a show about zombies and disguise themselves by walking slowly with them, and since they smell dead, the zombies think they are dead. But then the rain kind of ruined that and epic walker killing action ensues.

Then in season two our group finds themselves in another sticky zombie blood situation. They are trapped on  I-85 (I know that feeling!) and soon a walker herd comes their way. Daryl covers an injured T-Dog and himself with a couple of corpses that are laying around and the walkers walk right past them. Not realizing that there are two living people under the dead people. Good thing zombies are not that bright!

And then we have Michonne! She had two arm-less and jaw-less walkers in chains. (I guess everyone needs some kind of pet.) She figured out that she can walk around with them and other walkers don't bother her. Andrea learned this trick from Michonne and used it as a means to get to the prison in season three.

But please don't cross the "having a zombie chained up" line like the Governor did with Penny!

I mean who wasn't creeped out by this??

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