Friday, August 9, 2013

Why I Think Obama is a Fan of "Breaking Bad"

To begin this I feel as though I need to reveal something about myself. I have A LOT of free time. Why you may ask? Well it's personal and I have neither the time nor the inclination to go into detail about that at this time. That would require a post all on its own. (Hmm, maybe I will write that one tomorrow.) Anyway, as I was saying, I have a lot of down time. Hence the name of the blog, Living In The Internet, because that is what I feel like I do. I live vicariously through the endless space known as the World Wide Web.

But I do sometimes think during this time and not just watch funny videos of cats on youtube (although I do that more than I think is healthy) and I have a theory. President Obama is a fan of the show Breaking Bad.

If you don't watch the show the basic run of it is a chemistry teacher gets diagnosed with cancer and because we pay teachers a shit salary he worries how he will pay for the treatments and provide for his family after he dies. So he does the most logical thing he can think of and begins to cook meth to make a boat load of money in a small amount of time. Needless to say mishaps and shenanigans ensue.
Like I said, shenanigans!

I am a fan of the show myself and I read somewhere on the internet a joke that if the show took place in Canada it would go something like this; Chemistry teacher gets cancer and the public health care system pays for the treatments and gives assistance to his family. The End. Not a very exciting show so that is probably why it is based in the U.S. But that got me thinking and I did a little research into the show and the history of President Obama's healthcare reform.

The show premiered January 20, 2008. That was also the same day President Obama was sworn into office. (Conspiracy?) So I doubt that the President actually watched it that night because he was probably too busy partying because he just became the most powerful man in the freakin' world. But I am pretty sure that the White House has DVR so he probably watched the show when he wasn't busy.

I believe he was watching this show and thought to himself, "Holy crap!! This guy is now a drug dealer who is getting more evil by the day because he did not have good enough health-care! By Golly, this must change!!", or something like that. I don't know, I wasn't there.

On March of 2009, just one month before the season three premiere of "Breaking Bad", Obama held his first healthcare summit. Personally, I think clips of the show was being shown to illustrate how we needed better healthcare. Because let's face it, graphs and statistics are fine but not nearly as entertaining as T.V. But again I don't know, I wasn't there.

This is where I think the possibility of a conspiracy gets real. The first half of the fifth and last season of the show premiered on July of 2012. Just one month AFTER the Supreme Court decided that Obama-care was constitutional. This means that while the Justices were debating the issue to see if the reform would be upheld, the shows that were going to be shown in season five were complete. So I think Obama called AMC and was all like, "Dude, I really need those episodes to show to the justices so we can get this reform bill approved and not have teachers become drug dealers", or something like that.

Would AMC tell the most powerful man in the country "NO"? Hell no they wouldn't! I think they sent the tapes right to him with a note that said, "Thanks for watching and don't tell anyone" and those tapes got slipped right into the Supreme Court. A month later, we saw what some of the most powerful people in America had already seen. BOOM! Now we have healthcare reform, and "Breaking Bad" is no longer going to be relevant and the fifth season is the last.

But then again, as I said earlier, I have A LOT of free time on my hands so my theory is probably bullshit. But...maybe not.
To be fair I probably sound like whoever made this, so maybe my logic is flawed!

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